There was this guy, and he needed a new hobby. He chose icefishing. So he bought a whole bunch of books on the topic, and read them all. Finally, he decided he was ready. So he went out on the ice, and just as he was about to drill a hole, a voice boomed from above: "There are no fish under the ice." Puzzled, the man walked farther down the ice. He made a cup of hot cocoa and was about to drill a hole in the ice, when again the voice boomed from above: "There are no fish under the ice." The man shrugged his shoulders and walked to the edge of the ice, he started to drill a hole and the voice said again: "There are no fish under the ice." Perplexed, the man looked up and asked, "Is that you lord?" The voice replied, "No. I am the manager of the ice rink."